Overcoming Perfectionism and Not Punishing Yourself

I was running my long run yesterday. I had already delayed it from Saturday because I woke up with a headache and somehow, I woke up late yesterday. I got to the trail an hour and 45 minutes later than normal. A bit of a big deal in the summers here in Phoenix. The original plan was to run 17-20 miles and do around 3000 feet of climbing. Before I got to the White Tanks, I knew the climbing would need to be less. Not a huge deal, I know the park enough to plan a new route. 

I had extra water ready to go and plenty of sunscreen. I took off and knew pretty quickly, I wasn't going to get 17-20. It was going to get way hot way fast...and it sure did. I told myself I would run for a max of 3 hours. Typically, my max is what I'm going to get because that's how I be. Just like that 17-20 was really 20 in my head. I was doing pretty well until around the 2 hour and 15 minute mark. I could tell my legs were starting to feel dead and my body was working super hard even when I slowed my speed. I made it to a water fountain and it somehow had cold water so I doused my hat, face, neck and shirt and kept going. 

After about 5 minutes, I felt like my heart rate was way too high for my speed and I looked down and it was 189 (I'm normally in the 130s and 140s). At that point, I was about a mile and a half from my car and I knew it was time to call it.  So any type of uphill, I hiked. The downhills, a slow jog. I got back to my car with 15 minutes until the 3 hour mark. I made it 15 miles with 1000 feet of climbing. And I was so excited to get in my cooler for my ice cold water that had Skratch in it (my favorite). All right, what's the point of this? 

I realized many things the Old Brittany would have done on this run and prior to this run for missing out on Saturday. I would have done A LOT of negative self-talk and probably still would have made myself go out with a headache. On Sunday, the Old Brittany would have never set a time limit for myself. I would have said 20 miles and you gotta get it or you failed. I would have punished myself for the oatmeal cookie (thanks Greg) I ate on Friday night. Lots of things that most of you probably do not know about me. This is what perfectionism does to a person...nothing I did was ever good enough and constantly punishing myself. 

But the Brittany of now didn't have ANY of those thoughts. I woke up Saturday and knew with a headache and the heat we have, the run would have been crap and my recovery would have also been crap. If I had pushed through 20 miles on Sunday, I would have also needed a lot more time to recover and it would have been dangerous. Instead, I felt grateful to be able to sleep in a bit on Saturday and spend time with the family. I felt grateful that I got to do an easy swim later in the day and a Peloton ride once the headache was gone. I felt grateful on Sunday that my body was heat acclimated enough to run 15 trail miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes. That's what we call growth folks! 

I overcame perfectionism which is why I ALWAYS felt like I was failing before. Progress isn't always forward. Sometimes it's taking a step back. 

I've been this Brittany for a bit but it never struck me before of how much I have changed. And I didn't change all at once. That's not sustainable (atomic habits, remember?). Small changes do lead to big results. Give yourself time. And eat that cookie!

Good effort. Positive attitude.  


Overcoming in the Grand Canyon


My Mr. Myagi of Trail Running